Skin diseases are closely linked with internal organ problems, thus taking medications for an external use is not a solution to skin problems. In addition, the constant use of medications sometimes leads to adverse effects resulting in chronic skin disorder. Mind power can tackle the cause of skin diseases that originate from organs, and can heal these diseases fundamentally.
A man had had atopic dermatitis since he was a child, and he had to see a dermatologist over two decades. When he started working on 2004, his atopy got severe. He took steroid for an eternal use as well as steroid for an internal use and injections. As a result, his weight jumped to 176 pounds under the side effects. Thus, he began to take a mind power treatment on September 2004, and continued it weekly. Early 2005, he could stop taking medications and just used petroleum jelly for an external use. Mind power treatments revealed that the cause of his skin problems was associated with the bowels and the kidney. After continuous treatments for these organs, his pruritus and red spots completely disappeared in 10 months. Additionally, his weigh dropped to 143 pounds.
A man had had atopic dermatitis since he was a child, and he had to see a dermatologist over two decades. When he started working on 2004, his atopy got severe. He took steroid for an eternal use as well as steroid for an internal use and injections. As a result, his weight jumped to 176 pounds under the side effects. Thus, he began to take a mind power treatment on September 2004, and continued it weekly. Early 2005, he could stop taking medications and just used petroleum jelly for an external use. Mind power treatments revealed that the cause of his skin problems was associated with the bowels and the kidney. After continuous treatments for these organs, his pruritus and red spots completely disappeared in 10 months. Additionally, his weigh dropped to 143 pounds.
The texts were originally written in Japanese by Dr. Goto and Dr. Toyoda and translated by Mio Nakano.
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