Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Amelioration of Down Syndrome

Mind power help people with Down syndrome.

In every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes.  Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along rod-like structures called chromosomes.  Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21.
This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome. A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm - although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees, or not at all.
One in every 691 babies in the the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down syndrome the most common genetic condition. Approximately 400,000 Americans have Down syndrome and about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year.
Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels, though older women have an increased chance of having a child with Down syndrome. A 35 year old woman has about a one in 350 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, and this chance increases gradually to 1 in 100 by age 40. At age 45 the incidence becomes approximately 1 in 30. The age of the mother does not seem to be linked to the risk of translocation. 
Reference: National Down Syndrome Society, New York, Copyright © 2012 National Down Syndrome Society

In Japan, one in every 1000 babies is born with Down syndrome. As women give birth at their older ages in recent years, the possibility of having babies with Down syndrome increases.

A Japanese man in 30's with Down syndrome could not communicate with people, had a chain of troubles at workplace, had also problems with his family. Though his mother was mentally fatigued, his family gave up on him because his disease was congenital. 

Whilst his mother and sister helped a number of people with mind power, he was gradually attracted with the power and started wanting mind power 10 years ago. This was the first expression of his intention in his life. 

At present, he can tell people what he thinks, sympathise with others, read between lines, and even do house chores. 

His sister told me that "I did not expect any change for my brother's congenital disease, but the changes he experienced are beyond imagination and common sense. I am sure that mind power has infinite possibilities. Even though my brother and I could not communicate well before using the power, now we can fight and we can mediate arguments between our parents. Nowadays, I am learning many things from my brother". 

As this story shows, the potentialities of humans are infinite, and mind power pulls that infinite potentials out. 

The texts were originally written in Japanese by Dr. Toyoda and translated by Mio Nakano.
Reference: Dr. Toyoda's blog

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